Trampoline damaged due to wind in severe storm. If a neighbors property damages mine during a hurricane, who's responsible?

South Carolina has a nearly 80% chance of being hit by a tropical storm each year, though only just under 17% of storms actually make landfall on the coast. Before storm season ever rolls around, it's important to understand your home coverage to know if you've got enough. You also need to be familiar with what happens if a neighbor's property blows over and damages yours. 

A South Carolina independent insurance agent can help you get equipped with all the homeowners insurance you need to stay safe during a hurricane and explain just how your coverage works for you. But first, here's a closer look at who'd be responsible if your neighbor's property damaged your own during a hurricane.

How Often Do Hurricanes Hit South Carolina?

When considering how important your homeowners insurance really is, it's helpful to be familiar with just how often hurricanes really hit South Carolina. Check out some stats below and see for yourself.

Since 1851, 255 tropical systems have affected South Carolina.

  • Of these systems, 131 tracked into the state.
  • A total of 60 of these systems were ranked a Category 1 hurricane or higher.
  • A total of 43 of these hurricanes made landfall on the coast.
  • A total of four of these hurricanes were ranked as Category 3 or higher.

Knowing that South Carolina can be prone to extreme weather like hurricanes can help inspire you to review your homeowners coverage sooner rather than later. 

What Happens If a Neighbor’s Property Damages Mine in a Hurricane?

Say a patio table, trampoline, and a basketball hoop come flying over and struck your house during a hurricane. You'd have to be able to prove to an insurance company that it was really your neighbor's property, and that it was their fault it damaged your home in some way. For example, maybe your neighbor failed to secure their loose items before the storm.

If you could prove it was your neighbor's fault, the incident would be likely to be a liability claim against them, and their homeowners insurance should respond. But if for some reason their coverage didn't, you could file a claim through your own homeowners insurance policy. Your South Carolina independent insurance agent could also advise as to how to file after an incident like this one.

How Does Insurance Coverage Work in a Hurricane?

There's actually more than one type of insurance that can protect you during a hurricane. Here's a breakdown of some of the most common coverages used after a hurricane and how they help.

These major insurance lines help protect you in case of a hurricane:

  • Homeowners insurance: Unless you live in a specific area where windstorm coverage is excluded, home insurance protects your home's dwelling and contents from damage or loss caused by high wind. Your additional living expenses coverage would also pay for your temporary living arrangements if you had to stay somewhere else while your home underwent repairs. 
  • Car insurance: If you have comprehensive or other-than-collision car insurance, your coverage protects your vehicle from all kinds of damage that could be done by a hurricane. This includes both wind and flood damage.
  • Flood insurance: Your homeowners insurance won't cover damage related to the flooding that accompanies a hurricane, which is when you'd need flood insurance. Flood insurance is designed to protect property from natural floodwaters, which is excluded by home insurance.

Now, if you do live in an area where your home insurance excludes windstorm coverage, such as right along a coast, you'll need an additional policy to protect your property. More on that next.

How Do I Make Sure I’m Protected with Hurricane Insurance?

Certain areas of the country are allowed to specifically exclude windstorm coverage from homeowners insurance because they're more prone to these disasters. You might hear windstorm coverage referred to as hurricane insurance. This coverage protects you in the following ways:

  • Dwelling coverage: With the right windstorm insurance, your home's structure or dwelling is protected against high wind damage.
  • Contents coverage: Windstorm insurance also protects your home's contents or your personal property, like furniture, from high wind damage.

Make sure to speak with your South Carolina independent insurance agent to be certain your home is adequately protected against all potential aspects of hurricane damage, including from high wind and flooding.

Does Renters Insurance Include Tornado Coverage?

Renters insurance operates very similarly to homeowners insurance in that it most likely covers your property for wind damage, but not for flooding. There are some renters insurance policies that offer flood coverage, but most don't. You'd still need a separate flood insurance policy to fully protect your belongings against natural flooding that accompanies a hurricane. 

Can I Buy Hurricane or Flood Insurance Right before it Happens?

You can technically buy coverage any time you want to. However, certain policies like flood insurance have a 30-day waiting period during which your coverage is not yet effective. So if you want to get covered against an upcoming storm season, you will need to make sure to shop for your policies more than a month in advance.

How to Stay Safe During a Hurricane

When the storm does roll through, stop worrying about your insurance for the moment and turn your efforts to protecting your family. 

Take the following steps during the hurricane:

  • Stay updated: Keep up with local live updates on the storm's severity and location so you can follow emergency evacuation orders if necessary. You can follow along with these on a TV, radio, or cell phone.
  • Get to safety: Grab your devices and direct all family members to an interior room of the house that's away from windows and external doors. If you have more than one floor, head to the highest one without entering the attic.
  • Follow instructions: If asked to evacuate, do so ASAP, unless leaving your current room would endanger you because of debris, etc. If evacuation isn't ordered or it's unsafe to leave, remain in the safest interior room of the home.
  • Drive smart: Never try to drive through a puddle during a storm, you can't be sure how deep it is. Remember, "turn around, don't drown," and avoid bridges as much as possible, too.

Prioritize your own safety during a hurricane or other extreme weather event. You can't help anyone else if you don't also take care of yourself. If you'd like additional helpful tips to stay safe during a hurricane, head to the CDC's website for hurricane preparation info and more. 

How to File a Claim after a Hurricane

After the hurricane has passed, it's time to survey your home for potential damage and file insurance claims. The process can often look something like this:

  1. Document the damage: Take photos and make a list of any damaged, lost, or destroyed items after the storm.
  2. Compare inventories: If you had a home inventory of your belongings before the storm, compare it to the one you create afterwards to check for missing items.
  3. Make temporary repairs: If necessary for the safety of your family, have temporary repairs made to your home, but save your receipts.
  4. Call your agent: Your South Carolina independent insurance agent can contact your insurance company and file a claim for you, and then keep you updated every step of the way. 
  5. Stay in touch: Your South Carolina independent insurance agent can provide you with a timeline for when your claim will be finished processing, and when you can expect to receive any reimbursement.

Sometimes you can't fully protect your home from hurricanes or the destruction they leave behind. That's why it's critical to get it equipped with all the homeowners insurance, windstorm coverage, and flood insurance you may need. Your South Carolina independent insurance agent can help.

Why Choose a South Carolina Independent Insurance Agent?

South Carolina independent insurance agents simplify the process by shopping and comparing insurance quotes for you. Not only that, but they’ll also cut the jargon and clarify the fine print so you know exactly what you’re getting.

South Carolina independent insurance agents also have access to multiple insurance companies, ultimately finding you the best home insurance coverage, accessibility, and competitive pricing while working for you.